
A New Foundation

     So, I've learned my newly realized neuro-divergent reality is packed with a lot of retroactive learning. Meaning, I'm learning or relearning things that should have been foundational as they were prerequisites to me living comfortably and productively. All this because recently I've found out about my maladaptive urgency mindset, I don't know if thats a real term. But in this mindset, I categorize everything as urgent, not bc it is....but because thats how my experience interaction with non ND people has conditioned me. "Hurry up, Youssuf" confused looks, eyes rolled, and at times flat out scoldings have taught me to think everything is urgent, I'm always delinquent, i need to apologize, chastise myself... bc thats what these people have done and they must be doing it bc they know its necessary. Did i mention being over deferential is also a part of this conditioning?  This is another struggle packed on top of my constant overthinking and battling mys

Lacto fermenting

 Here's another one of my interests, fermenting. On a day commemorating a milestone I decide to go on a walk and treat myself to some "outside" food and subsequently a stop at a thrift store on the other side of town.  A little about this item pictured ( not the watering can). This container is a 3 liter fermenting crock. It has a mote that runs along the lid that prevents oxygen from seeping in when filled with water. 

I like writing, but I don’t have an audience that cares

  So, I do like writing about things that interest me, but I don't have an audience yet .